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About us

The members of the International Society of CIK Cells (ISCC) want to improve treatment options for patients. To this end, they are researching and developing cancer treatment using cytokine-induced killer cells.

1. The Executive Board of Directors is responsible in particular for the realization of the tasks and goals mentioned in § 2.

2. Invitations to the meetings of the Executive Board shall be issued in coordination by one of the three Chairpersons (President and 2 Vice-Presidents) in writing, stating the scheduled agenda items.

3. The Executive Board shall meet as required, but at least twice per semester. Its meetings are not open to the public.

4. The members of the Executive Board may not be represented at the meetings with regard to their voting rights.

5. Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast. The Executive Board shall constitute a quorum if at least six members of the Executive Board are present. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Chair and, in his/her absence, the vote of his/her deputy shall be decisive. If there is no quorum, the Executive Board shall convene a new meeting at the next possible opportunity. Electronic circulation procedures are permissible for the adoption of resolutions, but require the participation of all members of the Executive Board.

6. Minutes of the meetings and resolutions of the Executive Board shall be drawn up, signed by the three Chairpersons of the Executive Board.
The board of directors of the ISCC consists of 13 members. At least one member should come from China, Germany, Italy and U.S.A. One of these is a Managing Director and one Patient Representative, both also with voting rights. President and Vice-Presidents are members of the executive board of directors.

One member is elected by the general assembly as President of the ISCC and two members are elected by the general assembly as Vice-Presidents of the ISCC.